
Support and assistance

Constant and committed collaboration with our customers enables us to integrate our technology with their needs, present, and future. We want to provide answers to your questions and problems as quickly as possible. That’s why we’ve provided a range of options for you to reach us. From online frequently asked questions to phone or email customer service, contact us in the way that best fits your needs.

Technical assistance
Powercell Company sees efficient assistance as an integral part of customer relations – relations that are always built on a thorough understanding of the market and of customer needs. A team of engineers and technicians follow each customer from the moment a request is made, providing support throughout the selection and development of exactly the right solution.

For 24-hour customer service please call 234-(1)-811-3694-343

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    ABB acquired NEWAVE (Germany) in 2012 and moved the drives and motors factory to Switzerland to continue the manufacture of UPS and other machines.

    After sale support for POWERCELL is 24/7, maximum of 48 hours in rare cases.

    The UPS has a voltage range of +23% to -15% voltage tolerance window, in situations where the voltage fluctuation is within this range, the need for AVR is not necessary.

    We have deployed ABB in different sectors across the country: Manufacturing, Food and Beverage, Oil and Gas, Printing Press, Federal/State Parastatals, IT Communications, to mention a few.

    It uses IGBT in place of transformer which makes the machines lighter, smaller in size, easy to carry, makes less noise and it covers less floor space.

    Yes, ABB UPS has a wide range of flexibility for backup times, ranging from few minutes to several days, depending the type of application.

    No, it requires a lesser cooling system because it is transformerless.

    Though Powercell is a young, growing energy company by operational kick off in Nigeria, it stands out in the area of technical expertise, especially in West Africa. With a foreign trained, locally experienced, and a passionate team of engineers, Powercell gives you a total and readily available after sales support, a very important consideration for procuring energy equipment. Powercell installed the first working AVC 100 (automatic voltage conditioners) in West Africa in 2016.

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